Monday, 25 February 2013

New Chapter, New Beginnings

Love is like two people holding a rubber band, we pull, then one person lets go, it's the person who held on that gets hurt. Yes I'm sure we've all heard and seen quotes like these and sometimes the people who posted the quotes are the people who have been through hell and back in terms of relationships. But why be depressed after the relationship happened? Why go into a dark state of not talking to anyone because the one person who promised they wouldn't hurt you did... People make false promises ALL the time. Remember when your own parents told you that the tooth fairy exists, do you also remember seeing your own parents slipping money under your pillow? Remember thinking that Santa Claus climbed down the chimney and ate the cookies and milk, do you also remember seeing your parents putting the presents under the tree? So let's face it, from an early age our promises have been broken, but we didn't care, we just continued laughing and smiling with no worries because we had no idea with what the future had in store for us. But now we are here. Today I am a seventeen year old girl who is blessed with an amazing family and amazing friends but I live in world where love is such a counterfeit I am not even able to tell what is true love and what is fake love. Two of my friends have just gone through a heavy break-up, my one friend had a long three year relationship and it seemed like butterflies and sunshine but now for him it's just depression and darkness, my other friend as she claims was not in a relationship but more of a "flirtation-ship" but after they had called it off, she felt devastated and she still is. Sadly there isn't much they can do, the two most important people in their lives just got up and left, but I believe locking themselves in their rooms and sitting and crying all day isn't going to do much for both of them, and this isn't just a message to my friends but its a message to anyone who is going through a break-up or is just confused about the theory of love, I say: Get up, forget the past and keep walking. Never ever give up. You have made it this far why should you stop now? People come and go and you need to be able to accept that. This is my first blog. I hope whoever is reading this does not give up and keeps on moving forward.

Till next time...

