Thursday, 18 April 2013

Whats Wrong With Just Being You?

To anyone that ever told you you're no good... they're no better. We live in a society where they ask you to be yourself but they judge you anyway, but I tell you as a friend, as a blogger- Do not let it get to you. You were created for a reason, you were created to be important to somebody one day, why should you change yourself when somebody out there might just love every single thing about you that you might not like? I come across people every day talking about things about their physical aspect that they'd like to change. CHANGE is a good thing but only for a good reason. Ladies: Don't become skinny or get a piercing because you want to impress a boy. Guys: Dont get buff because you want to impress a lady or your group of friends. If that certain person has a problem with you, that is their problem not YOURS! I repeat, DO NOT change to impress people! When I was 14 years old, I was in a terrible relationship with this guy who empowered me in every aspect of my life, he had control over which friends I see during the weekend to what type of clothes I should wear, it took me a year and a half to realize that this guy that I thought loved me for me had in fact loved me for what he had created, what he had seen perfect and completely destroyed me as a person. Obviously it took me a while to get myself back but what my message to whoever is reading this is: You should never ever doubt yourself, you were not created to be perfect, you were created to make mistakes and to learn from them, whoever tells you that you should change is obviously jealous of being you.

When you are single, people ask whether you have a girlfriend or boyfriend.
When you have one, they ask is there any future?
When you are engaged, they ask about the wedding?
When you get married, they ask when will you have a baby?
When you already have one, they ask when is little sister or brother coming?
When you get...divorced, they ask why what happened?
If you moved on, they ask why so quickly?

People will never stop asking.

If you are proud of who you are and you don't care about what people think about you, LIKE it, because it's YOUR life and YOU alone should decide how to live it.

Till next time..

