Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Dear Ignorant Men

Well Why NOT?

Why not celebrate the very beings who brought you on this planet, who gave you life. And yet, you will disrespect the women by slut-shaming, by degrading and by exploiting the very being of women. WHY?

Why have so much control over a powerful nature that can either make you or break you. Women are not created for your own sexual fantasy or for your own entertainment? When will the day come when you can actually respect women without waiting for Mothers Day or Women's month to do so?
When will the day come when you will start to respect minority groups especially the LGBTQI+ community without feeling threatened because "gay people threaten your masculinity"...

Why should we wait for Women's Month for men to realize our self-worth?

So many questions and not enough answers.

MEN - I call on you to start seeing our value and worth in society. We are power. We are excellence. How many times do we have to tell you that just because we are pro women that do not mean we are anti-men. The reason we are always sharing feminist posts is simple. We can not breathe. Society places this chokehold on us to tell us how to behave, that being a slut is bad and that being too innocent is boring. That breastfeeding your child is wrong, and that being too ambitious is a crime. We continue to share feminist posts because we are trying to show you that we can not continue to exist in a social system in which our worth is determined by YOU. We can not continue to live in a social system that continues to disrespect our instruction: NO.

How long must we teach to you NO means NO. And yet you will continuously justify your actions based on how we look or how we act. Respect my individuality. Respect my space. But most of all - respect my womanhood.

Do not call us delusional when a real problem exists in a society that is voiced by thousands of women on a daily problem.

The problem is not with us. The problem with you.

And you better check yourself before you wreck yourself.
