Thursday, 22 September 2016

Checking Your Privilege: University Protest Edition

Let's just get into the swing of things, shall we?

No need for me to explain why I have not been blogging recently, as you currently see, 2016 has been busy.

As we speak, students around the nation are protesting against Mr (Spend ALL our Money on Dermatologist fees) Nzimande's announcement on Monday. His announcement was a huge "K" on a WhatsApp group chat to Universities and the reaction from students has been justified.

The students' intentions are clear: Free Education in our lifetime. Our protest is not just about one thing as our hashtag suggests, it is inherently intersectional, spanning various yet interrelated sociopolitical and economic issues. It is about making education, not a privilege but a right for everyone to gain access to equal and quality education. EDUCATION IS A HUMAN RIGHT. (Check the Freedom Charter).

However, as students soldier on with a clear and justified message, the rest of South Africa does not really get the picture. This week alone, I have dealt with a lot of ignorant posts that label students as hooligans and thugs due to the media's coverage of the protests.

So let this blog post be a guide to any ignorant and or privileged person out there for when you are just too tired to explain your pro Fees must Fall stance.

"Fees won't fall if you keep damaging property." 
"All these disruptive hooligans that call themselves students..." 
"Funny how they all pay for their education and get student loans... Your folks must pay to subsidise her education while she gets a job ahead of you." 

A: Focusing solely on the vandalised property during the #FeesMustFall is a very naive thing to do. Why is it assumed that all students are vandals and lazy? The actions of a few are hogging headlines because it is sensational. These violent incidents distract from the core of the movement. BTW: White people in Europe also protest, and burn, and loot, and participate in acts of vandalism. There will always be humans in any country in the world who WILL take advantage of a protest movement to express anger through violence. So don't make this a racial thing in which only "black people in this country are hooligans", go to Europe mmkay?

"Fees must fall is a waste of time." 
"Free education is not possible, it can never happen."
"Fees must fall is retarded." 

A: The Fees Must Fall movement is a strong, important and brave movement. And the students especially women leading it are amazing. Focus on their ideas, hear what they are saying. Don't just sit back and watch the videos of violence. It won't get you anywhere.

"But if you look at what the media is saying..." 

A: LOL. NO. The media is probably the worst tool you could use. If you think you are being Albert Einstein by making your objective analysis from the media, then I have to tell you that you are wrong. The media does selective reporting to gain ratings. So if students are sitting and blocking entry into the university, they will not film it. But the moment a student picks up a rock and throws it in self-defense, the media goes wild.
It is up to you, the viewer to apply critical thought and view these movements from a nuanced perspective. If not, enjoy wallowing in your ignorance.


(Chief, it is simple.)

"Then maybe you should go to a car dealership and ask for a free car? Free education is not possible!" 

A: Listen, fighting for free education is perhaps one of the noblest struggles of the 21st century because education is everything. It must be free. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. (Remember who said that? Yes, Nelson Mandela.) We live in a capitalist system that is based on exclusion and WE will not stop trying to make the world better because of the discomfort it gives you.

If anything we should ONLY be discussing how we can make free education possible. ALL OF US. Private and Public Sector combined. As taxpayers, we all have shares in South Africa and we want it to function well. Quality Education FOR ALL  is one of those gears to make it successful.

"But what about us who want to learn?" 
(Do you think we are protesting for parties and drugs? Really?) 

Moaning about burning buildings and dismissing the goal of free education as unattainable and unhelpful is unwelcome. Why don't you and your mates talk about what we CAN do to make it possible?

Decolonisation is already happening. And the process is obviously going to be uncomfortable for the privileged ones. The reason why students are protesting is because they want the system that comforts you to be dismantled. And for the system that benefits an exclusive few to benefit EVERYONE.


What the students are doing is making history. These students are breaking ground and digging foundations for their futures and the many generations to come. Let US pass along the shovels and help dig.

(You dig?)

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